Sacramento Cactus & Succulent Society Sale 2019

The Sacramento Cactus & Succulent Society Sale at the Shepard Garden & Arts Center; A year later and we were back at it again, this time 45 minutes early and waiting in line.  2019 was the year of bringing a couple new vendors to the show.  These new vendors happened to have some very rare cactus and succulents we had been searching for a long time; The wait was absolutely worth it.  At this show we found Cereus Forbesii Spiralis, Opuntia Zebrina, and even the illustrious Myrtillocactus geometrizans 'Fukurokuryuzinboku' aka The "Booby" cactus.  The show was an absolute success.  Some of the species shown in the competition were out of this world.  Needless to say after a long Saturday at the show we even returned on Sunday and bought more plants.  

{We bought this wide selection of cactus/succulents at this show}



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